think global act hyper-local

capelands concepts

Developing Ideas. Implementing Ideals

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the journey

Social Entrepreneurship

We are Social Entrepreneurs:  As a company borne from The Cape Flats of Cape Town – South Africa we are attuned to the systemic effects and affects of unchecked imbalance. Inherited, imposed or self-imposed. 

We understand that concepts derived and implemented outside the inclusive and transparent loop of Functionality, Adaptability & Sustainability are leaned towards a narrow set of outcomes for a narrow set of interests – within any organisation, system or community. 

We are therefore cognizant and attuned to people based, community based and solutions driven concepts which are borne from and continuously able to navigate the loop of  Functionality, Adaptability & Sustainability – for creative Ideas to be driven by fluid Ideals

We lean towards concepts which are scalable, assist social concerns and is sustainable in its nature

Functionality,  Adaptability & Sustainability.

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Pride in Each Service

concept development

Listen * Look * Learn

Project management

Ask * Assimilate * Action

digital marketing

Plan * Pass * Project

web development

Design * Develop * Maintain

Recruitment Services

Source * Screen * Place